Impeccable Table MannersDaniel and Cecilyno commentWe all need our comforts in times of trouble. Some of us reach for chocolate bars, our credit card, or...
Impeccable Table MannersKatherine and Ella7 CommentsWe all have our own ways of dealing with terrible events, and when they happen closer to home, yet don't...
Impeccable Table MannersMartin and Almazno commentWhat's in a name? Well, quite a lot actually. As you may know, my name is Justin and, believe me,...
Impeccable Table MannersLizzie and Tomasno commentReturning to the light after a period of darkness isn't as easy as you'd think. Your body knows it too...
Impeccable Table MannersRory and Elizabethno commentEvery rainbow must have its end, and after week upon week of glittering gay couples fizzing off the screen (?) and...
Impeccable Table MannersJoe and Jamieno commentYou wait your whole life for the gay mafia to take over, wondering where the revolution will finally begin, and...
Impeccable Table MannersBen and Joe12 CommentsEaster. Selfish Christmas. Instead of family get-togethers and card-writing, or agonising over which gifts to buy, Easter gives you overpriced...
Impeccable Table MannersDan and Jackno commentImagine being left on the shelf at 21. How awful it must be to be all out of romantic options...
Impeccable Table MannersBex and Henry15 CommentsI can't sit staring at a blank screen any more than you can, so let's cut straight to the chase...
Impeccable Table MannersPádraic and Joshno commentWe know this already, I'm sure, but when we go on dates we ask the wrong questions. To which we...